Internet Classroom K-12

Technology and Internet use in K-12 education.

Friday, March 17, 2006

My Experience with MySpace

I have joked around about my daughter knowing more about blogging than I do. After all she has had a MySpace for more than a year. Then I read some of the comments and stories about this site and became concerned. So I went to look at her site. I was very relieved to find she has a decent site, although it is devoted entirely to her boyfriend. No porn, no bad language, no objectionable stuff. She has links to some friends from school, some bands, and some people she knows who have graduated. It is nice that she can stay connected with people who have moved away. While K’s site is rated G, that is not to say that there are not vulgar and shocking things on some of the hundred or so friends’ sites she has links to.

After checking out the pictures and the profile, I read the post she wrote the day she was so angry she planned to leave home. I read the wise reply one of her online friends posted. I shut down my computer and went to find my daughter. Without telling her why, I gave her a hug and a smile. I’m glad she decided not to leave. And I am glad she has the blog where she can vent her frustrations. And I am sure I will not tell her I know her web address.



At 4:11 AM, Blogger JS said...


The whole socializing aspect of blogs is interesting. In a lesser way I mean talking and sharing with your friends. I really mean the process of socialization to the norms of a society. You example of your daughter's online friend giving her wise advice is a prime example. A blogger's idea of the world and people is influenced by their experiences with blogging. If I can be idealistic for a moment, blogging allows people to make intellectual and social connections without being as strictly constrained by the rules of society.


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Dale said...


I'm so glad to hear of your daughter's G site. I'm not at all surprised that some of her friends' sites contain questionable information. Kudos to you for allowing your daughter the freedom to express herself in this way & not overreacting to the connections. As a teacher of high school students, these types of things are nothing different than what she would experience in a social setting with classmates. You know the important thing, that she's not posting any dangerous information about herself.
Now, as a mom of younger children I have some questions for you. How did you feel about looking at your daughter's mySpace account? Do you plan to visit it again? There's such a fine line between allowing children their privacy & wanting to protect them. I know the time will come too soon when I will face these issues with my children.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger ChristinaL said...

The good news is she has a G-rated site and (from the reply she got) some friends with some sense about them.
The better news: she has a mom who understands her needs and allows her the freedom to express herself (as Kim said). Most parents would have stormed into her room and chewed her out for not only thinking such a thought, but posting it on the net. Respecting her as growing adult (and still keeping an eye on her blog!) is a wonderful way to handle it--I applaud you.


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